Build scalable and maintainable WordPress plugins with modern development practices, inspired by NestJS and Laravel.
# Install ModulesPress CLI globally
composer global require modulespress/cli
# Create a new plugin
modulespress new
NestJS-inspired modular design with TypeScript & React support
Powerful DI container for better testing and maintainability
Full TypeScript and PHP type support for robust applications
Modern build tools with Hot Module Replacement (HMR)
Elegant templating with Laravel's Blade engine
Instant feedback during development for faster iterations
Create powerful WordPress plugins with modern PHP attributes and clean architecture
* Plugin Name: My Awesome Plugin
* Version: 1.0.0
* Description: A powerful WordPress plugin built with ModulesPress
use MyPlugin\Modules\RootModule\RootModule;
use ModulesPress\Foundation\ModulesPressPlugin;
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
final class MyAwesomePlugin extends ModulesPressPlugin {
public function __construct() {
rootModule: RootModule::class,
rootDir: __DIR__,
rootFile: __FILE__
(new MyAwesomePlugin())->bootstrap();